My first day at office: When a shave saved my day!

Before anything else, a big THANK YOU to BlogAdda for encouraging me and giving me the much-needed push to write this blog post. I had almost decided to skip this activity until these sweet words in an email sent to me revived the blogger spirit in me!

………because you have been extra nice. BlogAdda is very glad that you have maintained such a good relationship with us. We have loved being associated with you in past activities……..

Clap your hands for BlogAdda. 🙂 

Alright, applause over; now back to business. I could not have asked for a better time to write something on the importance of a well-groomed face; only a few days back, I had joined my first job in a big oil exploration and production company…..and suddenly I felt I have grown up. I felt the need of facial hair! 

Yikes! Are you thinking I do not have facial hair even at the ripe age of 23? I do have facial hair but I always keep myself clean-shaven using my Gillette Mach 3 razor! May be that’s why most people I know call me a little kid and that reminds of this absolutely hilarious Internet meme.

So the question on the first day of job was whether I should continue being a little kid or perhaps sport a slight stubble? I had read in some article on the Internet that a stubble, if sported well, makes a man look classy and… um, manly! So my mission was to finally look like a man! (grinning) I decided not to completely shave the little strands of hair scattered across my face and trimmed them instead. Lo! I looked office-ready and grown up. Mom was so proud of me and dad smiled. A sense of achievement filled me when I saw my colleagues and my bosses treat me as an employee and not like a little boy who mistakenly found himself among grown-ups! 

What I would like to highlight is that a well-groomed face is one of the keys to success of the modern man. Pulling a page out of my experience book, I would say that the importance of a well-groomed and a presentable look is largely realised in job interviews and in seminars and conferences. Throughout the 4 years of college life, I realised that one’s face becomes one’s personality report card. Your face attracts attention and if you are well-groomed, you manage to hold the attention of the person(s) in front of you. Proper skin and hair care and regular maintenance of facial hair, be it a clean shave or a slight stubble (Say ‘No No’ to beard if you can’t sport it well) can transform any average-looking man into a million bucks gentleman!

I can’t just leave it to fate that I will always look young and fresh. If I have to preserve my good looks, I need to turn into a vampire soon or get hold of some anti-aging potion. Impossible stuff! My profession now demands that I look well-groomed in office. Need to impress my boss and colleagues after all!  🙂

This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette.

Further, as part of this awesome contest and to keep in tune with the Christmas cheers, I nominate my good blogger friend Dr. Ryan Fernandes to express his interesting views on this activity. Also, BlogAdda nominated two bloggers and asked me to engage them in this activity too. With a round of applause, I introduce Anahita Irani and Bewitched by Words. All of you can check this page for the contest details: #WillYouShave


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